We make a living by what we get,
we make a life by what we give.
Sir Winston Churchill
Secure Online Donations In Dollars
Should you wish to make a financial donation ONLINE to the Victoria Falls Wildlife Trust, in US DOLLARS, you can do so by clicking on the button below which uses Donor Perfect’s verified and secured online capabilities:
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Secure Online Donations In Sterling
If you are based in the UNITED KINGDOM and wish to make a donation ONLINE to the Victoria Falls Wildlife Trust, in POUND STERLING, you can do so by clicking on the button below.
*We claim Gift Aid

Bank Transfer
If you would like to donate via local bank transfer to our Zimbabwe operation, get a hold of us on our Contact Us page.
Send us a Cheque
If you would like to send us a donation the old-fashioned way, visit our Contact Us page for our local and US mailing information.
There are many different ways you can help us to conserve wildlife:
1. Make a general donation
Should you feel you would like to support the work that we do to conserve wildlife, we would be so grateful for your support, and 100% of your donation will go towards our projects on the ground!
2. Donate to a specific need
Below are a few suggestions for how you might like to direct your support to the Victoria Falls Wildlife Trust. Values are in USD$

$ 25
Provides 1 x week of food and care for an adult vulture in rehabilitation after an injury or poaching attempt. Learn More >

$ 150
Will provide us with a uniform for 1 x Ranger in the field. Learn More >

$ 450
Provides 1 rural school with a trunk-full of education materials & supplies for 1 year of Eco-Club classes. Learn More >

$ 700 – $ 1,000
Provides a set of immobilization medication and equipment to dart 1 elephant for snare removal. Learn More >

$ 5,000
Will allow us to purchase 1 x GPS satellite collar to use for 2 years of Lion monitoring and research. Learn More >

$ 6,000
Will provide us with materials to install 1 x predator-proof Mobile Boma which holds 500 – 600 herd of livestock and protects communities from lion conflict. Learn More >
3. Donate equipment from our 2025 WISHLIST
Should you wish to make a non-monetary donation, here is our Wishlist of items we are desperately in need of:
- 5 x cameras and digital recording system (for rehabilitation centre case monitoring)
- Laryngoscopes x 3 (large animal)
- Micropipettes and tips (10–100 microliters, and 5–50 microliters)
- -80 Deep Freeze (for storage of antigens, and critical samples)
- ICOM Radios with GPS locators
- Hydraulic transport table/stretcher (~$1500)
- 8-well multi stepper micropipette 20-200 microliters x 1
- Good Digital camera (and lenses) to help us record our work
- Blades and Bone Saws for necropsy
- Zodiac boat or equivalent for Anti-poaching unit response on the river
- 4 x flat screen monitors for anti-poaching unit operations room (for use with Earthranger, SMART, and other databases)
- 4×4 vehicle for our Rhino Operations team
- Block and Tackle (Necropsy slab)
- Spring walk on scale 0 – 100kg (~$700)
- Suction Pump (~$250) (220V)
- Distemper Vaccine to prevent disease spillover between dogs and wildlife
- Chain Saws x2 (for use when darting wildlife)
- Veterinary Fluid Warmer (~$650) (220V)
- Nunc storage Tubes (for serum samples, 1.5 ml–20 ml)
- 5ml Serum Tubes
- 4 x tyres for Toyota Land Cruiser 750/16
- Disposable Transfer Pipettes (3 ml)
- 24 x 2-man tents for Anti-Poaching Unit patrols
- Trailer (to use for mobile training/anti-poaching unit support)
- Small mobile refrigerator with freezer for keeping medicines and blood samples
- Dan Inject 1.8ml and 3ml darts, and respective needles
- 25 bedrolls for anti-poaching unit deployment
- Sieves (of varying sizes of micromesh)
- Small animal (ie kitten) feeding bottles, rubber teets.
- Towels, any sizes (old but clean)
- Any veterinary equipment and supplies, including needles 14–25 gauge, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 ml syringes, glass slides and cover slips, red top, purple top and green top vacutainer blood tubes, wound spray, wound powder, exit (wound spray to keep away flies), scalpels and scalpel blades, low-profile microtome blades, slide holders, bovine IgG colostrum supplement, clamps, Istat cartridges, VetScan rotors (large animal and comprehensive), Scotchcast Casting Tape (3in & 5in rolls), etc
*Please note that other than veterinary supplies, we are happy to use second-hand or used equipment as long as it is in good operating order (please remember our voltage is 220).